The videos of the 1st OIC Session 2021/22 are now available

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The videos of the 1st OIC Session 2021/22 are now available

You can already find on CITCEM’s YouTube channel the videos of the 1st ICO, under the theme “Teaching and Learning Geography“, which took place on September 17th, 2021. The proponent of this session was researcher Cristiana Martinha (Education and Societal Challenges), who presented the paper “GIS and spatial thinking in Geography textbooks – an international comparison“. The remaining participants were Ana Isabel Moreira, with “In the Essential Learning in History and Geography of Portugal, which Geography? – for critical reflection“Elsa Pacheco, with “Techniques and TIG in Geography teacher training“João Sarmento, withProblems and Challenges in the elaboration of 2nd cycle Guinea-Bissau History and Geography textbooks“Luísa Azevedo, with “O pensamento espacial e as TIG no 1.o e 2.o ciclo do EB”.


New ICO 2021/2022 videos will be posted regularly.


