Evaristo C. Martínez-Radío Garrido, CITCEM collaborator, launches the book Ser prisionero de guerra entre la Ilustración y Napoleón. An approach by particular cases
Evaristo C. Martínez-Radío Garrido, CITCEM collaborator, launches the book Being a prisoner of war between the Illustration and Napoleon. Una aproximación por casos particulares / Being a prisoner of war between the Enlightenment and Napoleon. An approach by particular cases. Madrid, Sílex, 2021, 244 pp. ISBN: 978-84-18388-67-5.
Prisoners between humanity and cruelty.
a journey through concrete cases in a period of change
Evaristo C. Martínez-Radío Garrido, Transdisciplinary Research Center “Culture, Space and Memory” (CITCEM) of the University of Oporto
Patriotism as a survival tactic.
captives and their families during the anglo-dutch wars,
Gijs Rommelse, Haarlemmermeer Lyceum in Hoofddorp and University of Leicester
Prisoner of war and negotiator:
Yves d’Alègre on parole
Lucien Bély,Université Paris-Sorbonne
British occupation of Manila in 1762:
between caution and rebellion
Evaristo C. Martínez-Radío Garrido, CITCEM.
The human experience of captivity
in the Peninsular War, 1808-14
Charles J. Esdaile, University of Liverpool
Affections, honor, sociability and religiosity
to configure the enemy and the homeland
among Spanish prisoners in France, 1800-1814
María Zozaya-Montes, University of Évora
The odyssey of the prisoners
de la batalla de Bailén (1808-1814):
british responsibility in the tragedy
Vicente Ruiz García, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Jaén
Re-examining the sources for the prisoner-of-war theatre
at Portchester castle
Katherine Astbury and Devon Cox, University of Warwick
Spanish military prisoners in the war
de la Independencia y los orígenes del liberalismo castrense
Pablo González-Pola de la Granja, Universidad San Pablo-CEU