Videos of the 15th ICO 2020/21 Session available on the YouTube channel

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Videos of the 15th ICO 2020/21 Session available on the YouTube channel

The videos of the 15th ICO are already available on CITCEM’s YouTube channel. The theme of the event was “Sociabilities and religious practices in Portugal in the 19th and 20th centuries: confrontations in the public space and the relationship with the instituted powers”. The bidders of this session were the researchers João Pedro Meireles Tomé and Luís Miguel Carvalho da Silva (Sociabilities and Religious Practices), having presented the papers “The Civil Register of Non-Catholic Subjects in Porto (1878-1911)” e “Bishop Sebastião Soares de Resende and the colonialism of the New State in Mozambique (1943-1967)“, respectively. The remaining participants were Rita Mendonça Leite, with the theme “
The action of the Biblical Society in Portugal: new debates and renewed conflicts in the 19th century Portuguese public space
” and José António Afonso, with “Protestant popular education and the conquest of public space in the first decades of the twentieth century“.



New ICO 2020/2021 videos will be posted regularly.


