Events: Call for PhD Scholarships 2025 – FCT
instituição acolhimento


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Investigation Group

Information, Communication and Digital Cultures
Education and Societal Challenges
Literature and Intercultural Dialogues
People, Markets and Policies
Religious Practices and Sociabilities
Tangible and Intangible Heritage
Territories Landscapes and Environment

Event type:


Call for PhD Scholarships 2025 - FCT

CITCEM is a host institution

Doctoral Scholarships 2025

General Application Line

Doctoral Research Grants, in the general line of application, are aimed at people enrolled or who meet the conditions necessary to enroll in a cycle of studies leading to a doctoral degree, and who intend to carry out research activities leading to that degree in any academic entity that produces and disseminates knowledge, nationally or internationally, including public and private higher education institutions, R&D units, Associated Laboratories, as well as other private non-profit institutions whose main purpose is R&D activities.

Tender documents:

Specific Application Line in a Non-Academic Environment

Doctoral Research Scholarships in this specific line of application are aimed at people enrolled or who meet the conditions necessary to enroll in a cycle of studies leading to a doctoral degree, and who intend to carry out research activities leading to that degree, whose work plans take place over a considerable period of the scholarship time in non-academic entities, ensuring at least 12 months (consecutive or interpolated) in the same non-academic host institution operating in Portugal. In these applications, it is also necessary to carry out research activities in at least one host institution of an academic nature, national or foreign, in order to guarantee the desired link between the academic and non-academic environments.

Tender documents:
