Events: 1st SESSION OIC 2023/24 “Communities and local heritage: institutions, strategies and mediation”


Auditório do CITCEM

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Investigation Group

Education and Societal Challenges
Religious Practices and Sociabilities
Tangible and Intangible Heritage

Event type:


1st SESSION OIC 2023/24 "Communities and local heritage: institutions, strategies and mediation"

Session leader: Marisa Pereira Santos (PhD in Heritage Studies History of Art/CITCEM) Research Groupão CITCEM: Material and Intangible HeritageSession Summary: AttendThere is a growing debate about the importance of community the importance of community participation as key agents in the identification of heritage, valuing and preserving local heritage. The Porto Santo Charter (May 2021) recommends reinforce, through Cultural Heritage, <the sense of belonging to the world. community e a coexistence peaceful between communities distinct, through of everyone’s responsibility for the heritage of proximity, as a “common good” that it is important not only to know and prto observe, but to question, reflect, discuss, learn to reinterpret e recontextualize”. To this notion of responsibility shared, between citizens e institutions, contribute to cultural mediation strategies and programs to identify the values identity, mnemonics, historyartistic and social aspects of local heritage. The present panel aims to present research and projects that address this field of study and that within the scope of the PhD in Heritage Studies History of Art and Master’s Degree in Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture (FLUP). This ICO aims to The ultimate aim is to share knowledge and encourage debate.

Names of speakers and titles of papers:
Cátia Oliveira (Doutoranda in Heritage StudiesFLUP/CITCEM. Science ID:511A56D21DD6) A co-creation with a School as strategy to o development of local culture

Maria Beleza Juncal (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Orcid: /0000000218807481) Ramalde (Porto): the heritage of proximity in the construction of a educational territory

Ana Carolina Cardoso Cunha (Master’s student in Art History, at Faculty of Arts and Humanities dthe University of Porto. Orcid: 000000031087074X) Perafita (Vila Verde, Alijó): Communities in safeguarding and enhancing local heritage

Marisa Pereira Santos (CITCEM/ FLUP. Ddegree in Heritage Studies (FLUP). Science ID: 68149E1A79CC. Orcid: 0000000283387487) O paper of communities in the identification and inventorying of Local Heritage in context Guimarães

João Gadelho Novais Tavares (Master’s student in Art History at FLUP. Orcid: 0000000211527129) Foz Velha (Porto). Landscape classification and rehabilitation urban history (20022023)ModeratorescommentatorSession of the session:
Maria Leonor BotelhoAssociate Professor at Faculty of Arts and Humanities do Porto/ CITCEM (Orcid: 0000000229810694; Cienciavitae: E8112F37FFCD)

Ana Clara Roberti, PostDoc CITCEM/Fhe Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto (Orcid: 0000000169855435; Sciencevitae: C71399A83D38)



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