The videos of the 23rd OIC Session 2021/22, on the theme “Representations of women in contemporary times” are already available ...
The project “Santos d’Afurada. Art, Devotion and Community” was awarded, on May 27th, an Honorable Mention by the Portuguese Museology ...
Vera Moitinho de Almeida, CITCEM researcher, will participate in the Workshop Management and Administration of Digital Archaeological Data, with a ...
The organizing committee of CITCEM’s Research Workshops (OIC) is hereby inviting all researchers interested in the new edition for the ...
On May 17th, at 5pm, at the Casa dos Livros, the 12th volume of the joint editorial project of the ...
CITCEM and FLAINAR signed an institutional protocol whose public presentation session of this cooperation will take place on May 17th ...
In the scope of the Science 2022 Meeting, which takes place at the Lisbon Congress Center until May 18th, CITCEM ...
On April 28th 2022, CITCEM and Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto presented three Virtual Exhibitions, dedicated to the 500 ...
The videos of the 20th and 22nd ICO Session 2021/22, on the themes “Images, sounds and representations: from the ontology ...
CITCEM and the School of Communication, Administration and Tourism of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, invite all those interested in ...