The first series of videos from CITCEM’s 2019/20 Research Workshops is now available on our Youtube channel. This is session ...
Following the initiative “Pandemics and History in the Covid-19 Era“, CITCEM presents a new interview made by Flávio Miranda to ...
“Women on the Move” and “Language in the Human-Machine Era” are the two projects that integrate the 45 approved COST ...
After the participation of several CITCEM researchers in the e-book The Spanish Flu of 1918 After the participation of several ...
Five sessions of the “CITCEM 18/19 Research Workshops” are available on our YouTube channel. Organized by researchers Carla Sequeira and ...
The European Cooperation in Science & Technology(COST), through its Committee of Senior Officials (CSO), approved on March 24th the funding ...
Since the beginning of the pandemic caused by the new Coronavirus, Portuguese universities and universities from other parts of the ...
In a swift reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, EBHA has opened an essay contest on how past leaders have faced ...